KG's Boot Guard Waterproofing Oil Farm-Ranch – Wind Rose North Ltd. Outfitters
KG's Boot Guard Waterproofing Oil Farm-Ranch-KG's Boot Guard-Wind Rose North Ltd. Outfitters

KG's Boot Guard Waterproofing Oil Farm-Ranch

Regular price $10.00

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only 3 left in stock

Barnyard Acid Proof

Farm-Ranch & Sport Waterproofing Oil is specially formulated to provide maximum waterproofing and to protect leather from harsh chemicals and barnyard acids. Use on all footwear, harnesses, saddles, bags, etc. Safe for use on all types of leathers with waterproof and insulation linings. May darken light colored leathers.

Just shake well and apply our odorless, non-toxic waterproofing oil to clear, dry leather with the included dauber applicator.

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